But you want to change, no change, that we solve problems.
Sending the fulfilling life heart pure art.
Also effective for heart disease.

"Receiving a Message from the Universe" Today's Oracle Card Reading Message

"Receiving a Message from the Universe" Today's Oracle Card Reading Message
Pure of heart (Shin joujutsu) is a healer of Chieko.
Today's Oracle card reading. Deliver the message from the Angel and goddess.

Just by changing the way how to spend the day and dealing with things, consciousness, such as the big get even better life.

On Monday we reported a week theme is daily required for the message.

Your life is up to you whether to even be is.
Giving tips and messages to your cards and reading.
Please accept the message.
I'm sure there should be things come with inspirational words, PIN, now suffering or lost or, in my head, meaning now you are looking at here.

This card who's message to all of us looking at this site now need and advice

"Receiving Messages from the Universe"

Now State:
~Look for signs~

The angels have very specific and specific answers to that question.
You can expect to find a "sign" that means something profound to you soon.
The white feathers, which indicate that an angel is by your side, are seen by many.
Or maybe the smell you smelled as a child comes back to you and reminds you of someone in your family.

You need to focus your attention to notice the signs, so be aware of various possibilities.
During this period, don't mistake synchronicity events for mere coincidences.
It's a message specially prepared for you!

Awareness and activities:
~Sacred Space~

Build an altar in your own home or visit a power spot to connect with the divine

Message from Nemetona:
Sacred space is present within you.
By making an altar or visiting a sacred place, you will be able to engage with the energy of the symbol, whose meaning has been passed down for centuries.
These symbols have real power, so don't take them lightly.
By connecting with sacred symbols, the sacred part of ourselves comes to the surface.
You can also get a glimpse of the spiritual blessings and ancient wisdom of the good old days.
Let's unearth spirituality from sacred symbols and places.
And to let the soul dance to the various pleasures that are given to us to become one with God.
It's not about how you connect with God, it's about how often you can connect with Him.

Build an altar in your home, go on a spiritual journey, rest in a secluded and quiet place, make a medicine circle or labyrinth, walk through the labyrinth, purify your home by sage, prayer, toning, or by asking the Archangel Michael or any other method

What has happened since this morning, or what is coming to come, has meaning.
It contains a message that is very important and useful to you.
Keep your mind focused on every detail and be careful about what kind of message is being thrown.
The universe must be sending you some kind of message.
It's a hint for you to move forward in the future.
Let's be grateful that it is not a "coincidence".
They are trying to push you, they are trying to make you aware, and the universe is asking you to make new [changes and actions] happen with infinite love.

Rewarding smile and all the people who saw this site be there one day!

Salon smile to heart pure art healer pond Chieko ↓
Leading the individual sessions are here!
Wanted to lighten the heart and you want to change and people want life to be happy healing recommended is!
As of Ginza 8 Chome spiritual Salon "ginspi" as each week on Monday and Tuesday.
